Conversations and Connections April 12, 2025, Washington DC: Workshop and Panel Proposals
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Use this form to submit a proposal for a craft workshops or panel discussions at the April 12, 2025 Wasthington DC Conference.
We're open to anything, but our primary goal is that these sessions are useful for our conference attendees. We like to think they can roll out of these sessions with information or approaches that can be used in their approach to writing, editing, and/or publishing that afternoon. That can mean lots of different things, so throw anything at us as long as you think it might be *useful.*
Length: Our sessions are one hour long and we like to leave 10 minutes at the end for questions and answers.
Day/time: Our conference is on April 12, 2025 and it is in person at American University in Washington, DC. Times are eastern standard time. Sessions will run from 9:30 to 10:30, 10:45 to 11:45, and 4:00 to 5:00. If there's a particular time slot that's best for you, please indicate that.
Payment: We pay $50 per workshop leader or panel participant.