Thanks for submitting your work to Barrelhouse!  

Before you proceed, a note about open and closed categories. If you don't see the category that fits your work, we're not open for that thing. We keep submission periods pretty short because we're hoping that helps make our response times shorter, as well. The best way to track submission periods is probably to follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook or check back later. 

Here are some guidelines: 

No previously published work. 

Please submit only one piece at a time. Except for poetry. You can submit up to five poems. Everybody else — just one! 

We pay $50 to each contributor to our print and online issues. Print contributors also receive two contributor copies. 

We accept simultaneous submissions, on the understanding that you’ll tell us if you place the work elsewhere. 

It will probably take us two to three months to get back to you. We try to do that faster, but there are few of us and many of you.

Use this form to submit a proposal for a craft workshops or panel discussions at the April 12, 2025 Wasthington DC Conference.

We're open to anything, but our primary goal is that these sessions are useful for our conference attendees. We like to think they can roll out of these sessions with information or approaches that can be used in their approach to writing, editing, and/or publishing that afternoon. That can mean lots of different things, so throw anything at us as long as you think it might be *useful.*

Length: Our sessions are one hour long and we like to leave 10 minutes at the end for questions and answers.   

Day/time: Our conference is on April 12, 2025 and it is in person at American University in Washington, DC. Times are eastern standard time. Sessions will run from 9:30 to 10:30, 10:45 to 11:45, and 4:00 to 5:00. If there's a particular time slot that's best for you, please indicate that.

Payment: We pay $50 per workshop leader or panel participant.

Barrelhouse loves to celebrate books just like you do, so let's do that thing together! We're interested in running reviews of books that fit Our Whole Thing. You read Barrelhouse, so you know what we're about. Let that be your guide. And also, these:


Book Review Guidelines:

  • Please send us reviews of books other than your own.
  • No self-published titles.
  • Do not submit work to the Reviews section that is meant for another section.
  • Do not submit excerpts or essays based on your own work.
  • We prefer reviews that focus on recent titles, meaning books that came out within the past six months or that are upcoming in the next six months. That guideline can stretch to about a year, but not much farther. (Our Reviews Editor has a pretty good record for response times.) We do not run retrospective reviews.
  • We have a strong taste for small-press titles, especially books that might not be reviewed anywhere else. We love weird books, hybrid work, and other rare birds. We are extremely unlikely to accept a review of a book by a major publisher (Harper, Random House, Riverhead, etc).
  • We're interested in full-length or chapbook-length collections of poetry & prose. We're open to memoirs and story or essay collections.
  • Include publisher, page count, and date of book release. Include a link to the publisher's website for purchase.
  • Word docs preferred but RTF is OK. No Pages, dear Lord.
  • We are open to non-standard reviewing forms, as long as it doesn't distract from the book in question. We do not want book essays.
  • If you've previously spoken to our Reviews Editor, Katharine Coldiron, please indicate that in your cover letter.
  • Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please let us know and withdraw your submission if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • All accepted reviews are subject to editorial suggestions.
  • We love you but we do not pay for book reviews at this time. Reviews run online only.

If you are an author or a publisher who wants your book reviewed at Barrelhouse, you can query, but be advised that we almost never assign books pitched to us in this way. Your best bet is to find a reviewer and ask them to submit a finished review to us here, through Submittable. 
